Technical Information Papers

Each paper covers a specific subject in a concise manner, illustrated with photographs and diagrams.

TIPs are available in the following languages:

TIP 11: Effects of oil pollution on fisheries and mariculture

TIP 11: Effects of oil pollution on fisheries and mariculture

This paper describes the effects of ship-source oil pollution on fishing and mariculture and provides guidance on response measures and management strategies which may help to reduce the severity of oil spill impacts. Damage to other economic resources is considered in a separate Technical Information Paper.

Categories: Environmental effects, Economic effects, Technical Information Paper (TIPS)

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TIP 12: Effects of oil pollution on social and economic activities

TIP 12: Effects of oil pollution on social and economic activities

This paper considers some of the effects of oil spills on a variety of coastal industries and social activities and considers measures which might reduce their impact. Given their particular importance, the effects of oil spills on fisheries and mariculture are considered in a separate Technical Information Paper.

Categories: Economic effects, Technical Information Paper (TIPS)

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